User Managed

  • The NVIDIA GPU Operator is an operator that simplifies the deployment and management of GPU nodes in Kubernetes clusters. It provides a set of Kubernetes custom resources and controllers that work together to automate the management of GPU resources in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • In this guide, we will show you how to:
    • Create a nodegroup with NVIDIA GPUs in a VKS cluster.
    • Install the NVIDIA GPU Operator in a VKS cluster.
    • Deploy your GPU workload in a VKS cluster.
    • Configure GPU Sharing in a VKS cluster.
    • Monitor GPU resources in a VKS cluster.
    • Autoscale GPU resources in a VKS cluster.


  • A VKS cluster with at least one NVIDIA GPU nodegroup.

  • kubectl command-line tool installed on your machine. For more information, see Install and Set Up kubectl.

  • helm command-line tool installed on your machine. For more information, see Installing Helm.

  • (Optional) Other tools and libraries that you can use to monitor and manage your Kubernetes resources:

  • The image below shows my machine setup, it will be used in this guide:

    # Check kubectl CLI version
    kubectl version
    # Check Helm version
    helm version
    # Check kubectl-view-allocations version
    kubectl-view-allocations --version

  • And this is my VKS cluster with 1 NVIDIA GPU nodegroup, it will be used in this guide, execute the following command to check the nodegroup in your cluster:

    kubectl get nodes -owide

Installing the GPU Operator

  • This guide only focus on installing the NVIDIA GPU Operator, for more information about the NVIDIA GPU Operator, see NVIDIA GPU Operator Documentation. We manually install the NVIDIA GPU Operator in a VKS cluster by using Helm charts, execute the following command to install the NVIDIA GPU Operator in your VKS cluster:

    helm install nvidia-gpu-operator --wait --version v24.3.0 \
      -n gpu-operator --create-namespace \
      oci:// \
      --set dcgmExporter.serviceMonitor.enabled=true

  • You MUST wait for the installation to complete (about 5-10 minutes), execute the following command to check all the pods in the gpu-operator namespace are running:

    kubectl -n gpu-operator get pods -owide

  • The operator will label the node with the label, which can be used to filter the nodes that have GPUs. The label is used by the NVIDIA GPU Operator to identify nodes that have GPUs. The NVIDIA GPU Operator will only deploy the NVIDIA GPU device plugin on nodes that have the label.

    kubectl get node -o json | jq '.items[].metadata.labels' | grep ""

    • For the above result, the single node in the cluster has the label, which means that the node has GPUs.
    • These labels also tell that this node is using 1 card of RTX 2080Ti GPU, number of available GPUs, the GPU Memory and other information.
  • On the pod nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset in the gpu-operator namespace, you can execute nvidia-smi command to check the GPU information of the node:

    POD_NAME=$(kubectl -n gpu-operator get pods -l app=nvidia-device-plugin-daemonset -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
    kubectl -n gpu-operator exec -it $POD_NAME -- nvidia-smi

Deploy your GPU workload

Cuda VectorAdd Test

  • In this section, we will show you how to deploy a GPU workload in a VKS cluster. We will use the cuda-vectoradd-test workload as an example. The cuda-vectoradd-test workload is a simple CUDA program that adds two vectors together. The program is provided as a container image that you can deploy in your VKS cluster. See file cuda-vectoradd-test.yaml.

    # Apply the manifest
    kubectl apply -f \
    # Check the pods
    kubectl get pods
    # Check the logs of the pod
    kubectl logs cuda-vectoradd
    # [Optional] Clean the resources
    kubectl delete deploy cuda-vectoradd

TensorFlow Test

  • In this section, we apply a Deployment manifest for a TensorFlow GPU application. The purpose of this Deployment is to create and manage a single pod running a TensorFlow container that utilizes GPU resource for executing the sum of random values from a normal distribution of size \( 100000 \) by \( 100000 \). For more detail about the manifest, see file tensorflow-gpu.yaml

    # Apply the manifest
    kubectl apply -f \
    # Check the pods
    kubectl get pods
    # Check processes are running using nvidia-smi
    kubectl -n gpu-operator exec -it <put-your-nvidia-driver-daemonset-pod-name> -- nvidia-smi
    # Check the logs of the TensorFlow pod
    kubectl logs <put-your-tensorflow-gpu-pod-name> --tail 20
    # [Optional] Clean the resources
    kubectl delete deploy tensorflow-gpu

Configure GPU Sharing

  • GPU sharing strategies allow multiple containers to efficiently use your attached GPUs and save running costs. The following tables summarizes the difference between the GPU sharing modes supported by NVIDIA GPUs:

    Sharing modeSupported by VKSWorkload isolation levelProsConsSuitable for these workloads
    Multi-instance GPU (MIG)Best
    • Processes are executed in parallel
    • Full isolation (dedicated memory and compute resources)
    • Supported by fewer GPU models (only Ampere or more recent architectures)
    • Coarse-grained control over memory and compute resources
    • Recommended for workloads running in parallel and that need certain resiliency and QoS. For example, when running AI inference workloads, multi-instance GPU multi-instance GPU allows multiple inference queries to run simultaneously for quick responses, without slowing each other down.
    GPU Time-slicingNone
    • Processes are executed concurrently
    • Supported by older GPU architectures (Pascal or newer)
    • No resource limits
    • No memory isolation
    • Lower performance due to context-switching overhead
    • Recommended for bursty and interactive workloads that have idle periods. These workloads are not cost-effective with a fully dedicated GPU. By using time-sharing, workloads get quick access to the GPU when they are in active phases.
    • GPU time-sharing is optimal for scenarios to avoid idling costly GPUs where full isolation and continuous GPU access might not be necessary, for example, when multiple users test or prototype workloads.
    • Workloads that use time-sharing need to tolerate certain performance and latency compromises.
    Multi-process server (MPS)Medium
    • Processes are executed parallel
    • Fine-grained control over memory and compute resources allocation
    • No error isolation and memory protection
    • Recommended for batch processing for small jobs because MPS maximizes the throughput and concurrent use of a GPU. MPS allows batch jobs to efficiently process in parallel for small to medium sized workloads.
    • NVIDIA MPS is optimal for cooperative processes acting as a single application. For example, MPI jobs with inter-MPI rank parallelism. With these jobs, each small CUDA process (typically MPI ranks) can run concurrently on the GPU to fully saturate the whole GPU.
    • Workloads that use CUDA MPS need to tolerate the memory protection and error containment limitations.

GPU time-slicing

  • VKS uses the built-in timesharing ability provided by the NVIDIA GPU and the software stack. Starting with the Pascal architecture, NVIDIA GPUs support instruction level preemption. When doing context switching between processes running on a GPU, instruction-level preemption ensures every process gets a fair timeslice. GPU time-sharing provides software-level isolation between the workloads in terms of address space isolation, performance isolation, and error isolation.

Configure GPU time-slicing

  • To enable GPU time-slicing, you need to configure a ConfigMap with the following settings:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gpu-sharing-config
      any: |-
        version: v1
          migStrategy: none            # Disable MIG, MUST be none in the case your GPU is not supported MIG
            - name:     # Only apply for the node with the node.status contains ''
              replicas: 4              # Allow 4 pods to share the GPU, SHOULD less than 48 pods
  • The above manifest allows 4 pods to share the GPU. The replicas field specifies the number of pods that can share the GPU. The replicas field should be less than the number of GPUs on the node. The label is used to filter the nodes that have GPUs. The migStrategy field is set to none to disable MIG.

  • This configuration will apply to all nodes in the cluster that have the label. To apply the configuration, execute the following command:

    kubectl -n gpu-operator create -f \
  • And then you need to patch the ClusterPolicy to enable GPU time-slicing using the any setting:

    # Patch the ClusterPolicy
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"devicePlugin": {"config": {"name": "gpu-sharing-config", "default": "any"}}}}'
    # Disable DCGM exporter, time-slicing not support DCGM exporter
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"dcgmExporter": {"enabled": false}}}'

    • Your new configuration will be applied to all nodes in the cluster that have the label.
    • The configuration is considered successful if the ClusterPolicy STATUS is ready.
    • Because of the sharing.timeSlicing.resources.replicas is set to 4, you can deploy up to 4 pods that share the GPU.
    • My cluster has only 1 GPU node, so I can deploy up to 4 pods that share the GPU.

Verify GPU time-slicing

  • Until now, we have configured the GPU time-slicing, now we will deploy 5 pods that share the GPU using Deployment, because of only 4 pods can share the GPU, the 5th pod will be in Pending state. See file time-slicing-verification.yaml.

    # Apply the manifest
    kubectl apply -f \
    # Check the pods
    kubectl get pods
    # Check the logs of the TensorFlow pod
    kubectl logs <put-your-time-slicing-verification-pod-name> --tail 10
    # Get the event of pending pod
    kubectl events | grep "FailedScheduling"
    # [Optional] Clean the resources
    kubectl delete deploy time-slicing-verification

Multi-process server (MPS)

  • VKS uses NVIDIA's Multi-Process Service (MPS). NVIDIA MPS is an alternative, binary-compatible implementation of the CUDA API designed to transparently enable co-operative multi-process CUDA workloads to run concurrently on a single GPU device. GPU with NVIDIA MPS provides software-level isolation in terms of resource limits (active thread percentage and pinned device memory).

Configure MPS

  • To enable GPU MPS, you need to update the previous ConfigMap with the following settings:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gpu-sharing-config
      any-mps: |-
        version: v1
          migStrategy: none            # MIG strategy is not used, this field SHOULD depends on your GPU model
          mps:                         # Enable MPS for the GPU
            - name:     # Only apply for the node with the node.status contains ''
              replicas: 4              # Allow 4 pods to share the GPU
  • Now let's apply this new ConfigMap and then patching the ClusterPolicy like the way at the GPU time-slicing section.

    # Delete the old configmap
    kubectl -n gpu-operator delete cm gpu-sharing-config
    kubectl -n gpu-operator create -f \
    # Patch the ClusterPolicy
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"devicePlugin": {"config": {"name": "gpu-sharing-config", "default": "any-mps"}}}}'
    # Disable DCGM exporter, MPS not support DCGM exporter
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"dcgmExporter": {"enabled": false}}}'
    # Check MPS server is running or not
    kubectl -n gpu-operator get pods

    • Your new configuration will be applied to all nodes in the cluster that have the label.
    • The configuration is considered successful if the ClusterPolicy STATUS is ready.
    • Because of the sharing.mps.resources.replicas is set to 4, you can deploy up to 4 pods that share the GPU.

Verify MPS

  • Until now, we have configured the GPU MPS, now we will deploy 5 pods that share the GPU using Deployment, because of only 4 pods can share the GPU, the 5th pod will be in Pending state. See file mps-verification.yaml.

    # Apply the manifest
    kubectl apply -f \
    # Check the pods
    kubectl get pods
    # Check the logs of the TensorFlow pod
    kubectl logs -l job-name=nbody-sample
    # [Optional] Clean the resources
    kubectl delete job nbody-sample

Applying Multiple Node-Specific Configurations

  • An alternative to applying one cluster-wide configuration is to specify multiple time-slicing configurations in the ConfigMap and to apply labels node-by-node to control which configuration is applied to which nodes.
  • In this guideline, I add a new RTX-4090 into the cluster.
  • This configuration should be greate if your cluster have multiple nodes with different GPU models. For example:
    • NodeGroup 1 includes the instance of GPU RTX 2080Ti.
    • NodeGroup 2 includes the instance of GPU RTX 4090.
  • And if you want to run multiple GPU sharing strategies in the same cluster, you can apply multiple configurations to the same node by using labels. For example:
    • NodeGroup 1 includes the instance of GPU RTX 2080Ti with 4 pods sharing the GPU using time-slicing.
    • NodeGroup 2 includes the instance of GPU RTX 4090 with 8 pods sharing the GPU using MPS.

Configure Multiple Node-Specific Configurations

  • To using this feature, you need to update the previous ConfigMap with the following settings:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: gpu-multi-sharing-config
      rtx-2080ti: |-                                # Same the name with the name that you label the GPU node before
        version: v1
          migStrategy: none                         # MIG strategy is not used, this field SHOULD depends on your GPU model
            - name:
              replicas: 4                           # Allow the node using this GPU to be shared by 4 pods
      rtx-4090: |-                                  # Same the name with the name that you label the GPU node before
        version: v1
          migStrategy: none                         # MIG strategy is not used, this field SHOULD depends on your GPU model
            - name:
              replicas: 8                           # Allow the node using this GPU to be shared by 8 pods
  • Apply the above configure.

    kubectl -n gpu-operator create -f \
    # Patch the ClusterPolicy
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"devicePlugin": {"config": {"name": "gpu-multi-sharing-config"}}}}'
    # Disable DCGM exporter
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"dcgmExporter": {"enabled": false}}}'
    # Check the ClusterPolicy
    kubectl get clusterpolicy

  • Now, we need to label the node with the name that you specified in the ConfigMap:

    # Get the node names
    kubectl get nodes
    # Label the node with the name that you specified in the ConfigMap
    kubectl label node <node-name>
    kubectl label node <node-name>

Verify Multiple Node-Specific Configurations

  • In this example, we will training MNIST model in TensorFlow using the GPU RTX 2080Ti and RTX 4090. The RTX 2080Ti will be shared by 4 pods using time-slicing and the RTX 4090 will be shared by 8 pods using MPS. See file tensorflow-mnist-sample.yaml.

    # Apply the manifest
    kubectl apply -f \
    # Check the pods
    kubectl get pods -owide
    # Check the logs of the TensorFlow pod
    kubectl logs <put-your-favourite-tensorflow-mnist-pod-name> --tail 20
    # [Optional] Clean the resources
    kubectl delete deploy tensorflow-mnist

    • The pods are running on the node with the GPU RTX 2080Ti and RTX 4090 within different GPU sharing strategies.

Monitoring GPU Resources

  • Monitoring NVIDIA GPU resources in a Kubernetes cluster is essential for ensuring optimal performance, efficient resource utilization, and proactive issue resolution. This overview provides a comprehensive guide to setting up and leveraging Prometheus and the NVIDIA Data Center GPU Manager (DCGM) to monitor GPU resources in a Kubernetes environment.

  • Firstly, we need to install Prometheus Stack and Prometheus Adapter to integrate with the Kubernetes API server. Execute the following command to install the Prometheus Stack and Prometheus Adapter in your VKS cluster:

    # Install Prometheus Stack using Helm
    helm install --wait prometheus-stack \
      --namespace prometheus --create-namespace \
      oci:// \
      --version 60.0.2 \
      --set prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues=false
    # Install and configure Prometheus Adapter using Helm 
    prometheus_service=$(kubectl get svc -n prometheus -lapp=kube-prometheus-stack-prometheus -ojsonpath='{range .items[*]}{}{"\n"}{end}')
    helm install --wait prometheus-adapter \
      --namespace prometheus --create-namespace \
      oci:// \
      --version 4.10.0 \
      --set prometheus.url=http://${prometheus_service}.prometheus.svc.cluster.local

  • After the installation is complete, execute the following command to check the resources of Prometheus are running:

    # Check the resources of Prometheus are running
    kubectl -n prometheus get all 

  • Now, we need to enable the DCGM exporter to monitor the GPU resources in the VKS cluster. Execute the following command to enable the DCGM exporter in your VKS cluster:

    # Enable the DCGM exporter
    kubectl patch \
      -n gpu-operator --type merge \
      -p '{"spec": {"dcgmExporter": {"enabled": true}}}'
    # Confirm Prometheus can scrape the DCGM exporter metrics, sometime you MUST wait for a few minutes
    # (about 1-3 mins) for the DCGM exporter to be ready
    kubectl get --raw /apis/ | jq -r . | grep DCGM

  • Let's forward the Prometheus Adapter to your local machine to check the GPU metrics by visit http://localhost:9090:

    # Forward the Prometheus Adapter to your local machine
    kubectl -n prometheus \
      port-forward svc/prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus 9090:9090

  • The following table lists some observable GPU metrics. For details about more metrics, see Field Identifiers.

    • Table 1: Usage

      Metric NameMetric TypeUnitDescription
      DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTILGaugePercentageGPU usage.
      DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTILGaugePercentageMemory usage.
      DCGM_FI_DEV_ENC_UTILGaugePercentageEncoder usage.
      DCGM_FI_DEV_DEC_UTILGaugePercentageDecoder usage.
    • Table 2: Memory

      Metric NameMetric TypeUnitDescription
      DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_FREEGaugeMBNumber of remaining frame buffers. The frame buffer is called VRAM.
      DCGM_FI_DEV_FB_USEDGaugeMBNumber of used frame buffers. The value is the same as the value of memory-usage in the nvidia-smi command.
    • Table 3: Temperature and power

      Metric NameMetric TypeUnitDescription
      DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_TEMPGauge°CCurrent GPU temperature of the device.
      DCGM_FI_DEV_POWER_USAGEGaugeWPower usage of the device.

Autoscaling GPU Resources

  • To enable this feature, you MUST:

    • Enable Autoscale for GPU Nodegroups that you want to scale on the VKS portal.
    • Install Keda using Helm chart in your VKS cluster.
  • In the case you DO NOT install Keda in your cluster, VKS autoscaler feature will detect the Pending pods and scale the GPU Nodegroup automatically. This happens when the number of replicas of the Deployment is greater than the number of available GPUs that you configured in the ConfigMap.

  • If you already installed Keda in your cluster, you can use the ScaledObject to scale the GPU Nodegroup based on the metrics that you want. For example, you can scale the GPU Nodegroup based on the GPU usage, memory usage, or any other metrics that you want. For example:

    kind: ScaledObject
      name: scaled-object
        name: scaling-app   # The name of the Deployment, MUST in same namespace
      minReplicaCount: 1   # Optional. Default: 0
      maxReplicaCount: 3   # Optional. Default: 100
      triggers: # Will be trigger if either of these triggers is true
        - type: prometheus
          metadata: # prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus
            serverAddress: http://prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus.prometheus.svc.cluster.local:9090
            metricName: engine_active
            query: sum(DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL) / count(DCGM_FI_DEV_GPU_UTIL) / 100
            threshold: '0.5'  # Scale the GPU Nodegroup when the GPU usage is greater than 50%
        - type: prometheus
          metadata: # prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus
            serverAddress: http://prometheus-stack-kube-prom-prometheus.prometheus.svc.cluster.local:9090
            metricName: engine_active
            query: sum(DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTIL) / count(DCGM_FI_DEV_MEM_COPY_UTIL) / 100
            threshold: '0.5'  # Scale the GPU Nodegroup when the GPU memory usage is greater than 50%
  • The above manifest scales the GPU Nodegroup based on the GPU usage and memory usage. The query field specifies the query to fetch the metrics from Prometheus. The threshold field specifies the threshold value to scale the GPU Nodegroup. The minReplicaCount and maxReplicaCount fields specify the minimum and maximum number of replicas that the GPU Nodegroup can scale to.

  • Now let's install Keda in your cluster by executing the below command:

    helm install --wait kedacore \
      --namespace keda --create-namespace \
      oci:// \
      --version 2.14.2
    kubectl -n keda get all

  • Apply scaling-app.yaml manifest to generate resources for testing the autoscaling feature. This manifest run 1 pod of CUDA VectorAdd Test and the GPU Nodegroup will be scaled to 3 when the GPU usage is greater than 50%.

    kubectl apply -f \
  • Apply scale-gpu.yaml manifest to create the ScaleObject for the above application. This manifest will scale the GPU Nodegroup based on the GPU usage.

    kubectl apply -f \
    kubectl get deploy
    # Check the ScaledObject
    kubectl get scaledobject

    • When the ScaledObject Ready value is True, the GPU Nodegroup will be scaled based on the GPU usage.
Cuong. Duong Manh - 2024/06/12